S2E13 GDCT Archive – Goal Setting to Navigate Success and Adversity with David Braithwaite
This has been dug out of the Goals Do Come True archive for your listening pleasure…
I'm joined here by David Braithwaite. David started out as a financial adviser and runs his own financial planning firm as well as having other related businesses that he runs, and is an Associate Coach for Strategic Coach®.
David Braithwaite can be found here:
Website: https://davidbraithwaite.com/LinkedIn
Doug Bennett can be found here:
Website: https://dougbennett.co.uk/
Email: doug@dougbennett.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/financialdoug/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinancialDoug
Facebook Wealth Tribe: https://join.dougbennett.co.uk/
Download Your “Ten-Step Guide To Financial Freedom” Here:
- Goals Do Come True is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3phcy6Z
- Think Simple, Win Big is now live and available to buy on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Think-Simple-Win-Big-Business/
Enjoy, and come back for the latest podcast each Tuesday. Thank you for listening.