Turn This SH1T Around A Webinar

Thursday 3 November at 3pm GMT

You've got your business, you know it works, but you're constantly finding yourself chasing sales, putting out financial fires, and in financial stress, it's time to turn this SH1T around.

Join me, Doug Bennett, on Thursday 3rd November at 3pm.

What You Get By Joining This Webinar

* GOALS - clarity on whether they work.

* The Entrepreneurial Promise - what it is, how you've broken it and how you can mend it.

* The A, D, C of any business - Assets, Debt, Cost - what have you got, what's the state of play and are you even viable?

What you will learn

At the end of this session you will have a blueprint for moving from financial struggle to financial success. The tools to understand the A.D.C. of your business, and how you can fulfill your entrepreneurial promise.

Register to save your seat. *

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Turn this SH1T around webinar

Join me, Doug Bennett, 3rd November at 3pm

* indicates required