Why Personal Growth Matters (Even If You’re Already A Success)
By Doug Bennett
If you were chilling out on a sun lounger, what would you immerse your mind in? Do you love to read personal development books or do you prefer fiction? Do you listen to audiobooks or podcasts?
I’m captivated by any material that focuses on helping me further develop an abundance mindset. I’m always eager to learn more, to expand my horizons and tap into new and innovative ways of thinking. Your commitment to learning new ideas and new ways of thinking is guaranteed to take your life and business to the next level (as long as you implement them!).
Since my early twenties, I’ve invested time and energy into listening to recordings by thought leaders such as Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield. Their insights frequently supported me to find new solutions to challenges I was facing, and to be proactive in my approach to life and business.
If you want your business to be a success, you have to be willing to grow as an individual. Social commentator Will Rogers once said, “Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” Unless you are willing to grow, other people in your industry will overtake you (or worse, run you down!).
Forge your own path
Successful entrepreneurs are committed to growth, and with access to so many opportunities there’s no reason to miss out. The average adult in the UK consumes between two and five hours of TV per day; can you imagine what you could achieve if you were more strategic with your time?
You might choose to:
- Attend a conference in person or online.
- Listen to an audiobook or podcast.
- Read a book or blog.
- Watch inspiring videos.
- Join a mastermind or network with growth-minded people.
Personal growth is not just about overcoming struggles
When everything in my life is going well, I know that there is still scope for it to be even better; none of us know what we don’t know.
However, the mind is clever: when it recognises a piece of data that might be considered a “missing link” to a challenge you’re facing, it will tie the pieces together and provide you with the right solution.
And, when you are up against a challenge, your continuous growth gives you an opportunity to adopt a unique approach because of what you have learnt and how you interpreted that information. Two people who attend the same conference will not take identical notes nor experience the same “aha” moments. Your experience is unique to you, so you’ll absorb the goodness that you need.
Personal growth is similar to dripping water onto a pebble: sometimes the pebble breaks quickly and dramatically, and sometimes it takes a repeated drip, drip, drip for the breakthrough to happen.
An unexpected gift
The best breakthroughs might also happen unexpectedly. For example, in 2011 I was chatting to Michelle Hoskin, one of the top 100 most influential people in financial services. At that time, my business was struggling, in part due to the global financial crisis. Michelle remarked that she couldn’t understand why I wasn’t already knocking it out of the ballpark because I had an abundance of the characteristics that I needed to “make it big” as a financial adviser.
Her words restored my self-belief and my motivation to keep taking action to grow my business. If I hadn’t had that conversation, perhaps I’d still be on my way to my first million!
I hope this blog has given you some food for thought. The next time someone recommends a book or a podcast, why not check it out? The phrase “put your own oxygen mask on first before helping others with theirs” (which means take care of yourself first so you are capable of giving) is a direct quote from the safety briefing you receive before any flight hits the runway. However, if you always bear that quote in mind, you’ll likely change your behaviour and expand your mind and your business. You never know what one phrase or experience will change your trajectory for the better.
Have you had any big breakthroughs recently? What instigated them? If you’re committed to taking your life or business to the next level, why not click here to book a discovery call with me and find out how I can support you? You never know, it might be the exact conversation you need right now.
Quote sourced from https://philosiblog.com/2011/06/28/even-if-you%E2%80%99re-on-the-right-track/
Sourced from https://www.statista.com/statistics/269918/daily-tv-viewing-time-in-the-uk-by-age/