Why You Need To Choose Your Thoughts Carefully When You Set Goals By Doug Bennett and special guest Anna Dykeman
Have you ever set a goal and then immediately worried that you might not be able to achieve it? Do you question whether you’re as capable as other people in your industry?
I am no stranger to imposter syndrome, but time has taught me that you build confidence by taking action, paying attention to the milestones, and addressing the challenges you face along the way.
Goal setting is as much about enjoying and growing on the journey that you’re on as it is about achieving a specific goal.
Imposter syndrome is common
I know hundreds of successful and influential people who felt like they were a misfit growing up. They frequently questioned who they were and what they should do with their lives, and struggled to “fit in”. Their commitment to self-inquiry is in part what led to their success; they weren’t willing to be or do something that didn’t feel right.
It’s a philosophy that Miami based Coach Anna Dykeman is passionate about, alongside abandoning the thoughts that tear you down, and actively choosing those that build you up!
Anna is familiar with embracing all that she is, and adapting to her continuous evolution. In addition to running her business as an Authentic Branding Coach and Marketing Specialist, she has worked as a scientist, and is training in psychotherapy!
Her message is loud and clear.
Anna: “Every brand has its own message. My message is that the way you are is perfect. You should embrace that no matter how weird or quirky anything you are; that’s why people will gravitate towards whatever your mission is. You will attract your own tribe. If you try to be someone else, you will most likely not attract the people you want!”
If you want to succeed embrace who you are
Anna Dykeman
My friends used to tell me that I should be ‘a bit less Doug’, when we were socialising with new people but what you see is what you get. It’s that level of authenticity that attracts the right people in my personal and professional life.
Before I wrote my first book, Goals DO Come True: From The Edge Of Financial Oblivion To A Life Of Freedom & Fun, I worried that nobody would read it, then I was concerned about what they would think when they did read it! I set up my Goals Do Come True podcast (you can hear my full chat with Anna here), and I wondered if anyone would listen, but in less than a year I have grown an audience of more than 3,000 people!
How to beat your inner critic
Anna has sound advice for anyone whose inner critic is getting the better of them.
Anna: “Whenever you are facing thoughts about not being good enough, not being able to do something, or wondering if you are as good as the other people in your industry you need to start writing a list of all the things you have already accomplished. You can look back on that list and see the achievements that prove that you are good, that you are talented, and that what you do is providing value to people.
You’d be surprised by some of the entrpreneurs who still experience imposter syndrome. Some of them are making seven figure sums of money but still wonder if they are good enough!”
What Anna has described is a classic example of ‘new level, new devil’, no matter how successful people become there is another layer of self-doubt or a limiting belief to be addressed.
The stories that we tell ourselves are powerful. You can use them to motivate or beat yourself up.
Anna has a zero tolerance attitude when it comes to negative thinking.
Negative thinking sets you up to fail
Anna: “Your thoughts are turning into words, your words are turning into action, your actions turn into habits. Imagine this, if your thoughts are focused on ‘I can do this, I will succeed’, that takes you closer and closer to reaching your goal. That’s why your thoughts are so important! We become what we think!”
Anna went on to share a really important point, which is that if we are not getting the results in our business we need to reconsider our approach, rather than indulge in self-doubt.
Anna: “Nowadays it’s not so much about demographics, it’s about psychographics; we need to focus more on directing our content towards people’s desires, pain points, belief systems and habits. Sometimes my clients wonder if they should share a resource because they feel like they’re giving everything away for free, but they come to you because you are you! It’s no longer only about working with the best person, it’s about creating a good working dynamic.”
I hope Anna’s wise words encourage you to pay close attention to your thoughts, celebrate your successes and bring more of you into your business!
If you’re a new service based entrepreneur you might like to check out my new book
Think Simple Win Big: How to Build the Business of Your Dreams With a Few Simple Goals;
it’ll help you maintain a positive work life balance and overcome the thoughts that hold you back.